Bobby Boud


"My paintings come from observation and memory, remembering fragments of landscape which as a whole, would otherwise overwhelm. I like to explore a detail or fragment and in so doing find a language to convey the essence of a place or time." - Bobby Boud

Bobby Boud

Bobby Boud has a BA (hons) in Fine Art and a diploma in printmaking. Her work is a mixture of observed visual facts, memory, imagination and composition. Exploring a theme through a series of works enables small variations and details to assume a greater importance than may be apparent at first glance.


A solo art exhibition at 10 HANOVER in Mayfair featuring a series of new works by Bobby Boud, landscape oil paintings inspired by the concealing then revealing movements of the tide over the surface of the coastline.

The exhibition runs from

April 25 - May 4

10 HANOVER, Mayfair


Whilst often replete with references to nature, the resolved works remain an abstraction informed by observation, a mapping of the natural elements of time and transience, a view of nature through distillation.

The seven works of art are named after craters of the moon, tying together this intrinsic relationship; Acosta, Alexander, Akis, Amici, Apollo, Apatus and Azophi.

Other works


"A love of line drawing came from my childhood spent in Hong Kong where I would watch my Chinese friends writing. The characters which form the shop signs, were I felt like drawings. The beautiful pens, which were in fact brushes thick with fine hairs formed to a point, held a quantity of dense black ink. This meant that with one stroke, a clear strong thick mark could be made which could then turn into a beautiful fine line.

Whilst I do not use these pens, they seem to sit in my memory when I draw mostly with charcoal, and I try to emulate the pressure and depth together with fine loose wandering lines." - Bobby Boud


"The Tree works were really all about walks. Walking the vast variety of woodland of the Surrey Hills, in all weathers and seasons, provided an observed wealth of both inspiration and information. Some areas consist of tall pines, only allowing pockets of light which provide strong contrasts and tension." - Bobby Boud

The vertical forms are broken only by the sharp angular often broken side branches. Then there are other areas where the woods are varied, young and fluid, where the branches move and bend in sunlight and where the seasons change the bear linear branches into balls of fluffy green leaves, before they once again journey into fall colours of golds and oranges, before blowing away.

Bobby Boud

+44 (0) 77 9988 7723

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